1. You don't have to worry about kitty as much.
2. Kitties won't get stuck somewhere they can't get out of.
3. No getting hit by a car.
4. Cats have more attention to focus on their humans.
5. You get to spend more time with your cat.
6. Window perches provide sunshine, fresh air, and good smells, with none of the risk.
7. Your cat won't get injured or killed by a wild animal, aggressive dog, or from fighting with other cats.
8. Kitty doesn't have the stress of patrolling and defending a large territory.
9. You know your kitty is inside the house, not across town.
10. Cats are well-suited to an indoor environment, as long as they get companionship, variety, the opportunity to play-hunt, and cat-friendly stimulation.
11. Cats are domestic, not wild animals.
12. You can participate in your cat's life more fully, by being able to watch him or her hunt, play, and do those sweet kitty things.
13. Cats spend most of their time sleeping. The rest of the time they groom, hunt, patrol and scent-mark, use the litter box, play, and observe. All these activities can be done happily and safely indoors.
14. Highly decreased chance of getting ticks and fleas.
15. Safe from extreme weather.
16. Kitty won't contract rabies, feline leukemia, feline panleukopenia, feline infectious peritonitis, feline immunodeficiency virus, or various upper-respiratory diseases from another animal.
17. Kitty has much less chance of eating poisonoed, tainted or pesticide-laced food.
18. Your neighbors can't get upset about finding cat poo on their property.
19. Cats can adapt easily to a routine - you needn't worry about being kept awake at night.
20. Litterboxes have never been easier to manage, thanks to new technology.
21. Cats are not part of the native ecosystem.
22. They won't kill birds or the rodents that native species need to survive.
23. Your cat won't be shredded by a car engine (a warm place that cats allowed to go outdoors sometimes like to curl up in).
24. Kitty is safe from antifreeze, herbicides, and pesticides.
25. Your cat is much less likely to sustain injuries like broken bones and abscesses.
26. Cats are safe from abusive humans.
27. If sick or injured, your cat won't become disoriented and lost.
28. Won't get a parasite from prey.
29. Safe from ear mites, roundworms, hookworms, and heartworm.
30. Cats won't transmit illnesses to the humans in their lives.
31. Kitty won't accidentally get shot by a hunter.
32. Kitty won't get caught in a trap.
33. Safe from fishers, coyotes, and mountain lions.
34. If your cat gets dirty from grease, toxic chemicals, or road tar these substances will be ingested during grooming.
35. Your cat won't bring dead animals into the house.
36. Your cat won't bring live animals into the house.
37. No trying to find your cat to bring inside before severe weather or nightfall.
38. Your cat is much easier to find in case of an emergency.
39. Your vet bill will be much lower.
40. Your cat won't get stuck with porcupine quills, or sprayed by a skunk.
41. Indoors-only cats can live up to fifteen to twenty years, sometimes even longer.
42. Average life spans of cats who spend any time unsupervised outdoors range from 2 to 5 years. Some cats beat the odds - but are you really willing to take this risk?
43. You won't miss clues and early warning signs if your cat is ill.
44. You will never have to face the disappearance of your cat.
45. Cats can be a hazard to motorists.
46. Only about 5% of stray cats taken to shelters are ever reunited with their people.
47. No stress with neighbors over your cat digging in their flowers or breaking into their trash.
I could go on and on but I've got stuff to do tonight.
If your kitty really cannot stand not going outside, putting him or her on a leash and harness while the two of you walk around together is so, so much safer. A small commitment of time on your part to walk your cat could save your cat's life.
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